Thursday, November 17, 2005


From the Long Island Railroad November 2005 "Keeping Track" Newsletter:

"Did you know?

Every year at this time of year, Raliroads across the northeast struggle with a problem caused by the falling leaves. You see, those falling leaves do more than drift by your window. They also fall on the tracks, are crushed by train wheels, and then deposit a sap-like oily residue that tends to make trains slip when accelerating and slide when braking. We've been able to reduce this condition by equipping trains with wheel slide protection systems, through agressive tree trimmming and the use of various anti-skid products. One such product is Sandite, which was developed and used by railroads in England for the same problem. However, when the leaves combine with light rain, it may require that some trains reduce their speed. So, if your train is being delayed and your crew tells you it's being caused by 'slip-slide conditions' ... now you'll know what they mean, and why it's happening."

Fascinating! But why the plug for Sandite, and its UK provenance?


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