Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Down With Tax-by-Mile!

In an effort to get more highway construction dollars, some have suggested that cash-strapped states (such as California) begin to charge drivers based on the distance and time of day that they commute. These seem like gross and rough measures of relative damage that an individual motorist can do to a road. Yes, some kind of taxing scenario by time-of-day and proximity to traffic clichpoints, downtown areas, etc. may make sense (particularly when coupled with proper alternative transportation incentives), but distance travelled hardly seems a relevant factor. What about vehicle weight? What about hesitation at red lights or highway merges? These should come with the stiffest of penalties! People aready pay a distance tax -- time, fuel, automobile wear and tear -- and put less of a constant strain on "downtown" roads...why saddle them with an extra burden? It is the duty of the federal government to provide us with a basic network of roads the connect medium- and large-sized towns nationwide, and to assure their proper maintenance. When social security dries up, we'll still be riding on the same highways. Let's hope they're well-paved.

Tax-by-Mile: What an awful solution!



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