Truckers, prithee be more careful with your HAZ MATs! Maybe you never had a nelly mother hawk you a chainik about driving at high speeds on the icy roads of the northeastern US... But just listen to the news! On Monday, a massive tanker truck carrying fuel flipped over and burst into flames on the BQE, closing it for the entire day! Is this how we honour the memory of MLK? On Wednesday, another tanker went belly-up in Philadelphia on I-95, spilling a bit of xylene on the roadway.
Admittedly, these roads are in horrible condition. Their surfaces, pocked and scarred, are not amileorated by the addition of a layer of frozen water. Nevertheless, I blame the truck drivers themselves for these accidents, both of whom came away largely unscathed.
Admittedly, these roads are in horrible condition. Their surfaces, pocked and scarred, are not amileorated by the addition of a layer of frozen water. Nevertheless, I blame the truck drivers themselves for these accidents, both of whom came away largely unscathed.